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Would you eat some food left on the street? The risks of doing so with information, and how I protect myself.
You're likely to spend 1000+ hours yearly with your iPhone. Here's some tricks to make those faster and more enjoyable.
Energy prices up 90%, inflation at 8%, western countries suspect recession, and an 18% loss in the Swiss stock market. Some reflections on that. Also: should I revise my strategy? Was it a mistake to invest during COVID?
Choose which broker? Buy which stocks? How much money? When to buy & sell? All specific steps I took to start investing in the stock market, have my savings work in my sleep, and fight the wealth gap.
Your life circumstances and psychology might cause more harm in your investing than you might think. Put them through a screening here, learn your boundaries, and some tools to set them and stretch them.
45% losses is what history's unluckiest investors faced during the 1931 Great Depression for 5-year investments. Is that what scares people out of investing? Take a trip through the last century to discover the actual perspectives.
95% of Swiss save money in a bank account, which makes them poorer every day. Discover what institution operates to drain those savings, and why.
Help society and the planet by choosing a Pillar 3 which invests your money sustainably. Here's a showdown of your best options for earning and sustainability. Have a Pillar 3 already? See how yours compares to the best current options.
Half the Swiss lack a Pillar 3 account, missing on saving tens of thousands of CHF. This post makes it quick and simple to understand Pillar 3, and decide if and how it suits you. It collects all key choices and addresses the frequent doubts and concerns.